A comprehensive program nicely bilingual (Arabic – English) is designed specifically to meet all the requirements of clothing companies, without exception, is based on the provision of services in all stages of the goods from the beginning of the procurement process (ordering the work) until the end of the sale process (point of sale) has been carried on established a group of programmers and designers who are closely related to a group of the largest clothing companies in Kuwait tucked under so all gaps and problems that may occur by any company.
Ocean.NET Fashion Management System
General Purchasing
perfectly controls the purchasing process since the first beginning of the order request stage until the arrival the goods to store with ensuring the correctness of every stage and link it to the next one.

Stock Management
- Move and distribute the brands on the branches.
- Easy search for specific brand supported with photo and location within the branches with the possibility to request such brand from such branch connected with the base via OCEAN.net.
- Easy retrieval of brands by numbering the shelves of stores.
- Modification of the prices in a controlled manner to prevent such error arising during the modification, It is possible to modify the sale prices, to report and to print new stickers.
- Immediate & automated figuring out the shortness of such brand in branches with possibility to locate the shortness several times supported with photo and the place that is existed in.
- Figuring out the shortness of sizes & color of each item. So it is possible to cover the shortness and re-order the items in branches at any convenient time.
- To control the theft attempts, it is also possible to conduct the periodic & sudden inventory.
Sales Control
- POS Bill: It is distinguished in accuracy and high speed in accomplishing the billing and full control of manipulations attempts or thefts.
- Change Voucher: It replaces the cash refund process by issuing Change Voucher with defining the customer’s name & phone number.
- Reservation of items: the customer can pay a partial value of item and settle the remaining when received.
- Cash Reset: Each cash is separately reset with possibility to list the detailed payable notes (K.net, Visa, Master Card … etc.), Replace voucher, reservations of item and detailed report to be delivered to the financial management.
- Cash handover: It is the receipt of cash, payable notes, change vouchers, reservation of items with showing the detailed and precise discrepancies (if any).

- A detailed report of the items movement for a specific company.
- A detailed report of the movement of specific items.
- Reports of stock movement.
- Report of cost of sales.
- Cost of current inventory.
- Exhibitions staff evaluation.
- Report of the movement of total billing.
- Report of the profits of the bills.
Item movement card
Provide decision makers with comprehensive information on a certain item ,with photo option, such as specifications, summary of movement (purchases, sales, damaged) and summary of item movement within the branches (total transfers, sales, damages), and the place within the branches and summary of sale offers made thereof (special offer, discounts,..etc. )

Sales Analysis
It can compare quantity, value and cost of sales on a monthly or weekly basis and it is classified according to (section or item or season or the manufacturer or vendor or branches, or ….) and it is supported with clarified diagram allowing to study the peak and normal times for each branch and to take an appropriate decision-making.
On-line Sales Monitoring (OSM)
OSM provides minute-to-minute follow up of sales movement in branches as well as the employee attendance control.

General Observation Panel (GOP)
It allows manager or person in charge to know the summary of all the movements that are made to the system (purchasing movement, sales in branches, the total cash refund, cash drawer movement, summery of increase or decrease the cash, movement of amended prices of items, movements of items transfer among branches, the results of the inventory, violations of staff attendance such as delay, absence … )
SMS Messages
- Daily/monthly message at definite time and to particular assigned GSM numbers; showing the sales activity in branches.
- Immediate messaging to the person in charge on staff attendance offenses.
- Immediate messaging to specific GSM numbers showing the opening/closing hour of each branch.

Local Chat
It is accessible via OCEAN.net to chat with all branches. It is remarkable in history retrieval to all chatting text when required. It also contains a possibility to send individual or group chat message to all branches (e.g. All branches representatives have to attend at 10:00 in headquarter office for ……) In addition, it can be used for branch requests, in which you can control the particular requests of such branch from the main store (such as price stickers, barcode reader, cartons/plastic bags,,,)
Employees Affair (Payroll)
- Working Period: we divide working time into parts (entry/exit – permission to temporary exit – etc)
- Entry / Exit verification: it is either by hand or fingerprint or ID card.
- Attendance Report: It produces a detailed report of each employee’s attendance with showing the entry and exit hours and hours of delay and absence.
- On Line attendance monitor: Live monitor showing of employees entry/exit transactions. It displays the existing employees in such section and the time of entry/exit.

General Accounting
- Card Account: This is the encoding process of the accounts and determine the types (Normal or final or Distributive or .. ) the chart of accounts can be built smoothly with possibility to determine the nature of account ( customer – supplier – cash – Bank – a letter of credit)
- Chart of Accounts: OCEAN.net can build a chart of account containing all the specific types of final accounts (budget, trading, profits and losses) and standard accounts (assets and liabilities,) to help you to expand the construction of the chart by your own.
- Cost Centers: It is possible to set up a large number of cost centers with linking them to special accounts at the user desire so as to get at any date the results of the various departments and centers in the company.