What we do for your business
Virtualization is the key technology which is being seriously considered by each and every organization. The cost of running a servers and then cost of cooling because of heat dissipation is already increasing day by day. Given the processing capabilities of current intel / Risc servers organizations are finding it absolutely convenient to consolidate multiple server applications on to a single Physical server.




Improve the efficiency and availability of IT resources and applications through virtualization. Start by eliminating the old “one server, one application” model and run multiple virtual machines on each physical machine.
Accelerate with virtualization
Accelerate virtualization of business critical applications by increasing visibility and control across application tiers, improving storage I/O performance and availability and unifying backup and recovery across physical and virtual domains ֠all while maintaining security and compliance you can trust.
Build with virtualization
Build resilient and secure private cloud services on your existing infrastructure and take your virtualized data center to the next level of resource optimization.
Secure with virtualization
As your IT business delivery model transforms from a static physical deployment, to consolidated virtual workloads, to on-demand service delivery ֠Symantecӳ VMware-integrated virtualization security solutions can help you to achieve the high levels of security and trust you need.

Server Virtualization Can Help Your Business :
- Reduce costs by simplifying management & requiring less hardware
- Manage your infrastructure with fewer server admin resources
- Realize optimal utilization of your IT investments
- Build High Availability, Geo-Redundancy and Fault Tolerance for higher uptime
- Achieve almost near-time data protection with robust backups and disaster recovery solutions for virtualization

Desktop Virtualization Will Enable Your Business To :
- Achieve centralized management & control of desktops
- Provide quick access to your familiar desktop from any device
- Allow remote workers to access applications & data rapidly
- Enable a more flexible work environment wherein employees can be productive from anywhere, at any time and from any device
- Save costs on expensive desktop hardware since any device can be used
- Rapidly deploy new applications to users while maintaining high service levels